Our Volunteers Are Saying…
“I always look forward to meeting with my student! Each week I get to do something a 10-year-old wants to do. It’s my mandatory play time.”
“Since COVID, Spokane and the greater area has such a strong need for volunteerism. Our numbers are very low, and all these causes need so much help. We need more people to show up.”
“What fills my cup is helping and feeling like I’ve made a difference. I absolutely love working with smaller kids. It is always rewarding, even on those days where I’ve got 5 million things going on, I never regret going. Even if it is just an hour, it fills my cup.”
“Just the thought of being able to change one kid’s life just by one hour each week or even a month — even for someone that works full-time and has many other things going on — still has the ability to volunteer.”
“At Vanessa Behan, I volunteer with kids, and we spend time with kids who don’t have love and support. Just to be there and model what a healthy loving relationship could look like — especially for these kids — it is invaluable.”