LaunchNW Announces Phase One of Our Scholarship Program for Students at Ten Spokane County High Schools Graduating in 2024
LaunchNW, an initiative of Innovia Foundation, is introducing a scholarship program that will benefit students in Spokane County in their 2024-2025 academic year. Phase one of the scholarship rollout will be available for select seniors graduating from ten local high schools, along with senior students residing at Catholic Charities of Eastern Washington properties. Scholarship funds are available for students whose annual household income is $100,000 or less and will support tuition at regional post-high school education programs, including two- and four-year degree programs, technical training, and registered apprenticeships.
Students at Medical Lake, East Valley, Riverside, North Central, Shadle Park, Liberty, Lakeside, and University high schools will become eligible for the scholarship by participating in the Mpower Mentoring Program, which begins this fall. In addition, select students at Rogers and Lumen high schools will have an opportunity to apply.
LaunchNW is bringing the Mpower Mentoring Program to students this fall in partnership with eighteen local organizations. School districts, universities and nonprofits in this program will connect high school students and their families to mentors supporting them on their journey to post-high school education.
“We are excited for phase one of the scholarship program and the life-changing opportunities LaunchNW provides students and families,” says Shelly O’Quinn, CEO of Innovia Foundation, the community foundation for Eastern Washington and North Idaho. “Community support and generosity for the LaunchNW initiative has been overwhelmingly positive, and we look forward to continuing the momentum and supporting students on their pathway to success.”
LaunchNW is a community-driven initiative with the primary objective of providing robust support to students throughout their journey from education to career attainment. LaunchNW fosters collaborative efforts to invest in comprehensive supports like mentoring, FAFSA/WASFA completion, and career pathways exploration, all in combination with the scholarship program.
The decision to apply a household income cap on the LaunchNW scholarship was based on demographic data and feedback from community partners. “As we wrestled with the question of which students would be eligible for the LaunchNW scholarship, it became clear that the majority of students most in need of financial support in Spokane County are from households with an annual income below $100,000,” says Ben Small, Executive Director of LaunchNW. “We want to ensure we are serving the students and families furthest from educational affordability.” Over 60% of children in Spokane County live in households with an annual household income under $100,000.
LaunchNW will continue collaborating with community leaders and will analyze data from phase one of the scholarship program to determine the next steps in rolling out the scholarship across the region. “We know that a scholarship alone will not change the trajectory of youth in our communities,” says O’Quinn. “LaunchNW is a community mission. The initiative works when all of us come together to expand the support that students need to travel their best journey from birth to career attainment.”
“Pairing the phase one rollout of the scholarship program with a community-backed system of support will show the impact LaunchNW can have in the lives of our students,” says Small.
Guided by community voice and cross-sector collaboration, LaunchNW will continue working to expand supports and develop innovative ways to break down barriers facing students and their families.
You can make a financial contribution to LaunchNW scholarship effort here. To learn how to become an Mpower Mentor, please visit LaunchNW.org/Mpower.