EngageIRL Parent Night — Help! Technology Is Taking Over

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[Gen Z] is on the verge of the most severe mental health crisis for young people in decades.

Dr. Jean M. Twenge

Professor at San Diego State University

Author of more than 180 scientific publications and books, Dr. Jean M. Twenge is a veritable expert in her field. Her extensive research in generational theory and psychology has led her to a concerning discovery: today’s kids and teens are immersed in technology, less independent. How has that impacted their mental health and development? What can parents do about it?

In this insightful event, Dr. Twenge will offer ten rules for future-proof parenting, balancing responsible limitations on device usage while helping kids explore real-world experiences and freedom. You’ll walk away from this session with exciting ideas to help your family find a healthy, happy balance with technology.
