High school seniors & adults going back to school! Join us for FAFSA/WAFSA Completion Nights!
Choose either Wed. Jan. 24 or Mon. Feb. 12, 2024, from 5:30-7:30pm. Volunteers will be on hand to help. Food & childcare will be provided to those who register here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/jh3uttr/lp/dbc15b21-12b1-45c8-a46f-11a8ca222173
-Email addresses of student and parent(s)
-Laptop, if possible
-Social Security Numbers and birthdates of student and parent(s)
-Green Card holders: A-Number
-2022 Federal Tax information or return(s) & records of any untaxed income
-Cash, savings, and checking account balances
-Investment information, other than your primary residence